• Dr. Burnett, a professor of urology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, describes LI ESWT for ED as an effective, novel and promise treatment for both PDE5i responders and PDE5i poor responders.

    A curative therapy for ED edges forward

  • Patient was unresponsive to or dissatisfied with various PDE5i drugs, including Cialis and Viagra. He reported deteriorating marine well-being and increasing frustration and anxiety.

    A Fit 67 Year-Old Male Presented Complaining of Eight Years of Persistent Erectile Dysfunction

  • A 40-year-old male patient with initials MSD entered the Urology Clinic of Dr. Azwar Amir, Sp.U located in Private Care Center Dr. WahidinSudirohusodo Hospital, Makassar. His main concern was that he would not be able to get married because he is having troubles in getting proper erections.

    A 40-year-old male suffering from MSD Sucsseful Treatment

  • Good Morning Andrology Clinic hospital has been using the ED1000 for the past 2 years, treating so far 56 patients.

    Dr. Dong Wook-Kim, The Good Morning Andrology Clinic Hospital, Korea

  • Prof. Peter Lim, Gleneagles Hospital Senior Consultant and the Chairman of the Singapore Men's Health Association, claims that in the recent years there is a growing number of older people suffering from erectile dysfunction, that are interested in improving their erection and reviving their sex life. These people turn to him, searching for the ultimate solution

    Prof. Peter Lim, Gleneagles Hospital, Singapre

  • Prof. Horie has been using the ED1000 for the past 2 years.

    Prof. Horie, Juntendo University, Japan

ED1000 – Urologist Approved With Proven Results